aidan's thoughts

stuff i think of

Friday, August 15, 2003

last weekend daddy and i hung out a grandma's house all day. we even went swimming. it was the first time that daddy has gone swimming with me since i started swim lessons. he dunked me underwater, and let me splash and splash and splash. have i mentioned that i like to splash? i low the water. in fact mommy made another game for me the other day. she turns the faucet on love and lets me slap the water in the sink. it's really fun.
sorry this took so long to report, but that sitting up all by myself thing? i figured that out. i do it all of the time now.
crawling you ask? hmm. that's one's a bit tougher. i don't know that i would describe my method of locomotion as "crawling", i can tell you what daddy calls it "a train wreck." hey it works for me, no one said it had to be pretty. just because i scooch, take a crawl step, then strech out my legs so i'm up in the air like doing a crab walk, then fall on my face, and then lunge doesn't mean i'm not coordinated. i may not go straight but i go. and the more i go the more efficient i will get and then you watch out daddy. you won't be able to catch me. he-he.
today i had another swim lesson. mommy signed us up for another session since this one ends next week. anyway i did really good today. i didn't hardly cough at all. mommy says i'm learning to close my mouth and eyes, and hold my breath. i sure do like swimming.


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