aidan's thoughts

stuff i think of

Friday, February 13, 2004

i'm sick, again. i woke up at 2:45 a.m. and i was roasty toasty. we are going to the doctor soon to make sure i don't have an ear infection again.
to update you on my stuff, i have been being a real challenge for my mommy and daddy. as you know, i am one now and i'm trying to assert my independence. well, sort of. i love to walk and when my mommy and daddy let me walk when we are out i don't want them to pick me up again. sometimes i don't want to go into my carseat, high chair, or stroller and when they make me i stiffen up, arch my back, and scream. i still end up where i don't want to be but it's worth a try. when i'm home with mommy, i want her to be with me at all times. she's really tired.
oh yeah, i've been meaning to mention that i try to greet the kitties like they greet each other. when a kitty is laying near me, i rub my head on him/her like they do on me. i have also been communicating with my mommy and daddy. i can use sign language when i want more food or when i am all done. i'm learning to sign when i want to eat and i can let my mommy know when i want to nurse. i am also imitating words like "hi", "cat", "cool", "goal", and "uh oh".
well, i have to go to see dr.hartfield now.


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