aidan's thoughts

stuff i think of

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me-ee, happy birthday to me.
wow, can you believe it. it has been 5 months today since i was forced out of my warm, dark, cozy spot. a lot has changed:
then: sleep all day with a few hours awake here and there
now: awake all day with a few hours of sleep here and there

then: mommy had to help me to get in position to eat
now: i help mommy get into position to eat

then: always slept on mommy or daddy
now: almost always sleep in mommy and daddy's bed

then: needed my head constantly held to keep it from whipping around
now: whip my head around like i'm at a metallica concert

then: grabbed and squeezed fingers
now: grab, pinch, pull, squeeze, yank, and jerk fingers, noses, hair, ears, cheeks, lips, nipples (daddy's too), shirts, hats, cups, towels, burp clothes, . . .

then: constanly had an expressionless stare
now: constanly contort my face into smiles, quizzical looks, looks of concern, and looks of excitement

then: made very little noise, mostly little grunts
now: make lots of noise, screaming, yelling, squealing, laughing, cooing, and crying

then: laid in one place when put down
now: roll all over the floor until an obstacle stops me

then: fell asleep on every car ride
now: fall asleep on few car rides

then: stayed at home a lot
now: go out and meet other people and babies

then: made the "o" face
now: no more "o" face, but many others (see above)

then: pooped on mommy after first bath
now: take baths with mommy, no accidents since first

then: had no idea other creatures existed
now: love petting doggies and kitties

then: mommy and daddy always home
now: daddy mostly gone

then: mommy and daddy got up in the middle of the night to feed me in the rocker in my room
now: mommy rolls over, gives me food, may or may not wake up

then: all of my clothes either fit me or were too big
now: most of my clothes are too small

then: a lot of people coming to visit
now: no one comes to visit

then: gave clear cues that i was hungry
now: make mommy and daddy play guessing game

then: it was cold
now: it is hot

then: bouncy chair was lots of fun
now: bouncy chair is sort-of fun

a lot has changed in 5 months, and this list is not complete. just wait until i am a year old. mommy and daddy . . . get ready!


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