aidan's thoughts

stuff i think of

Saturday, July 17, 2004

i am 18 months old today! how cool is that?
i talk in my sleep. i have for a while, just about since i started talking. my most common sleep statement is "up."
i have been learning manners too. now instead of just saying "up", i sometimes say "up please." and since mommy and daddy have been showing me a little sign language since i was ity bity, i now say "thank you" and "you're welcome" in sign.
there are a couple games i like to play that i have never mentioned. i call them "kite" and "pie."
i play kite with daddy. he picks me up and sings a song called "let's go fly a kite." when he gets to the part that says ". . . up through the atmosphere..." and ". . . up where the air is clear . . ." he throws me up in the air. it is so much fun. it brings a smilr to my face everytime we do it. in fact, once daddy starts singing i get excited. i llok at mommy with a big smile (as if to say "oh boy, i'm gonna fly a kite now!") and as the part where daddy throws me gets closer, i sometimes squeal and start kicking my legs in excitement. it always helps my mood if i'm feeling a little cranky.
i play "pie" with mommy. i sit in her lap and she reads me the "if you're happy and you know it book." there is a part that says "if you're happy and you know it jump up high" . . . "up high" = "pie." anyway when we get to that part of the book, mommy lifts me up in the air. it is really fun.
i am still getting wammied on the teeth. not sure how many there are now. i got some molars in and an i tooth on its way.
swimming lessons are over but occassionally mommy takes me to our nice neighbor kristen's house. kristen has a daughter ,maddie or madison, who gave me the big little tikes backyard play set. anyway it has been so hot that we haven't been able to play outside much. that makes it nice that kristen lets us use their pool.
on wednesday of this week mommy and i went to the beach and met aunt raeanne and my cousins reagan and taylor. it wasn't ass fun as the beach in north carolina, but it was still fun.
we have three cats. i call them "cuervo", "baily" and "cat." that makes mommy and daddy laugh. i followed curvo under mommy and daddy's bed this week and got stuck under the bed. i was up set, but mommy and daddy got me out and made everything better.
we also have a dog named "g." when ever mommy or daddy call for guinness, i yell "g!"


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