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Rental Car

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I created this as a separate post because it may be uninteresting enough to be ignored, but some who are going to travel to Costa Rica may find this of value.

I met with the rental car representative who was dropping off our rental car. I was prepared for an additional cost for the mandatory insurance (which I have read some companies will allow you to waive if paying with Visa, since Visa will cover that for you). In addition there was the offer of additional comprehensive insurance to cover just about everything so that no matter what happens, I tell the company, they deal with the consequences and I get to leave the country as planned. And finally he offered a GPS for an additional fee. Now I can be particularly frugal, and I had brought my own GPS to Costa Rica to avoid an additional cost. However my frugalness caused me to get free Costa Rica maps (Open Maps) instead of paying Garmin for their official Costa Rican map for $80. I ended up getting everything the rep was selling cause being my first time here, I wanted to feel as secure as possible. The GPS was a Garmin with the official maps and I am paying $9/day… for a total of $99. So poor decision making on my part.
