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Samara – First Night

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We arrived around 2:30 in the afternoon, which was the earliest we had managed to arrive at any of our hotels. That is when we encountered our first “oops” of the trip. Apparently the owner was away and the reservations got a little confused. the staff had given our room to someone else, and we were left with a smaller room. It would suffice, but one of the beds was a couch bed in and only the bedroom had AC… as a result Karen and Dylan slept there. Dylan sleeps well anywhere but Karen’s sleep was not as good.

All the rooms (villas) at this place were laid out with interior bedrooms, bathroom, and kitchen, and a large covered outdoor space with a dining table, chairs and a hammock. So the “living” space of the room is actually not in the room at all, but a large outdoor patio. That was actually pretty cool because there were ceiling fans to move the humid air around, and that made for a nice outdoor space to hang-out in.

We made the most of the room and were told that our room would be available the following day. Karen and the boys went to the pool, I walked to the local Palí market and purchased some food for our stay since this hotel room had a kitchen. It was a little confusing, but I figured it out and walked back to the hotel where I prepared noodle bowls with soy flavored chicken, onions, and bell pepper.

We ate on the patio and watched as a thunderstorm rolled in. It was a nice show… the storm was unusually strong… it rained very hard and we had a nice lightning and thunder show. The boys of course used the time to play on their DS, while Karen and I had some nice time to talk on our own.

