aidan's thoughts

stuff i think of

Friday, June 20, 2003

it's friday!
grandma raymond is coming to see me tomorrow. i can't wait to show her all of my new tricks. especially the one where i blow a rasberry. i may squeal and scream for her to, if the mood strikes me.
i've been having so much fun lately. everyday i laugh and laugh, and smile and sometimes i get so excited I can't contain myself and i just clench my fists, straighten my legs and shake. mommy calls it spazing out. i call it having a good time.
my hair is getting long and it often seems to have a reddish tint. but there are some really blonde hairs in there too, so we'll have to wait and see how it turns out.
my eyes have stayed blue and have lightened a bit to a beautiful color.
blonde hair, blue eyes . . . ladies watch out!


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